In the early days of your business, you will likely be working with a skeleton crew and making do with various people handling multiple roles. However, there are some hires that you should make early in your business so you can provide yourself with the best chance of success. Here are a few of the most important early hires you should take care of in order to make sure that your company can get started on the right foot.

A Marketing Manager

It is essential that you start marketing your business effectively as early as you possibly can. And having a dedicated marketing manager can make it a lot easier for you to accomplish that goal. Your marketing manager can do market research, put together a marketing strategy, and help you to connect with and grow your audience. The earlier you have a marketing manager on staff, the sooner you can start making an impact and developing your branding. Prioritize hiring a marketing manager so you can start off strong with solid marketing that reaches your target audience.

Someone to Handle the Finances

You also want to make sure that you have your finances under control and hiring someone to handle your finances is the best way to make that happen. This is important because it will ensure that you are on top of your cash flow and payroll while also protecting yourself from the legal struggles that can happen if your finances are out of control. An experienced CFO can improve the financial literacy of everyone at your company. They will also help with taxes and other financial elements of your business.

Someone to Handle HR

If you are starting to hire more employees, you need to set up HR. Human Resources can help you to keep track of hires, manage benefits, and take care of any personnel issues that may come up. Having HR on staff can also legally protect you and help with conflict resolution at work. HR shouldn’t be your very first hire, since they wouldn’t have much to do, but you do want to make sure that you have HR on hand once you start expanding.

Getting additional hires can help you to grow your business and move forward. You want to make sure that you are hiring the right people for each job and that you are covering your bases. From there you can make additional hires that help make things run more smoothly.

Check out this article on what your business needs to think about with a retirement plan!

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