
Three organizations recently met to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month.   The Mid-Atlantic Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Prince William Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.  It was a demonstration of team work and organizational collaboration where the focal point was to recognize excellence in leadership in conjunction with an outward display of cultural diversity and contributions to the business community by this segment of our citizenry.

Three leadership awards were presented to business leaders who have demonstrated significant positive impact to their communities; Carlos Castro, President & CEO of Todos Super Market, Diana Paguagua from Deseguros LLC and Aldo Bello, CCO of Mind and Media INC.

While all three of these leaders are outstanding on their own merits, Aldo Bello is someone I know personally and can attest to his demonstrated capacity to continue to add value to our Nation within any sector he chooses to be a participant.  Aldo’s leadership approach has been demonstrated throughout the years and somethings come to mind worth sharing for us to emulate in our daily lives.

  1. Aldo’s approach to business has been characterized by an approach grounded on servant leadership; something he does on a daily basis by acting on his beliefs and shouldering each task with full fervor
  2. He embodies and understand the role of corporate social responsibility by giving back joyfully to the community he loves.  He knows that by doing his part, a sustainable future is built for those who will one day replace him where our children are raised
  3. Leadership Development. Recently, his passion for professional growth was rewarded through a regiment of education and membership to the Stanford Latino Leaders Program, a national program that helps business owners by providing access to networks, mentorship and capital to grow, create jobs, and build a stronger economy

Please join me in congratulating these great leaders.


Jorge is an accomplished and experienced Executive Adviser, Author, Business Coach, Leadership Development Coach, Sales Trainer, and Radio Host of the Business minute. Certified to conduct individual and organizational assessments to identify and provide gap analyses and solutions for non-profits and for profit organizations. Jorge’s passion and purpose is to serve others and develop human capital through leadership development and quality of life improvement. Jorge is Co-Author of The Change 7 Insights into Self Development, available in Amazon

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