“How to Master Public Speaking”

Much has been written on the subject of public speaking by many capable writers and authors. Mr. Maurice DeCastro has an excellent exposition worth reading and studying for anyone seeking to mastering the skill, “THE 20 HABITS OF TRULY BRILLIANT PRESENTERS” http://mindfulpresenter.com/

MS Lydia Bailey recently helped create an interesting research graphic called “How to Master Public Speaking” which I think would be of value to all that see it. Particularly when research shows that 25% of Americans fear the act of public speaking and we know that fear can be a paralyzing agent when it comes to standing in front of an audience.

Consider these tips when you prepare for your next session, whether is a 60 second commercial, a 10-minute presentation or a lengthier engagement:
Know what you’re talking about: Develop a technical command over your subject matter. If you don’t possess subject matter expertise, few people will give you the time of day. Good speakers address both the “what” and “how” aspects of messaging

Speak to the whole as individuals: Great speakers can tailor a message such that they can speak to 10 people in a conference room or 10,000 people in an auditorium and have them feel as if they were speaking directly to each one of them as an individual. Communicate with clarity. Simple and concise is always better than complicated and confusing. Knowing how to do this will establish credibility and trust. When you truly focus more on contributing more than receiving you will have accomplished the goal

Speak from the heart: People will not open their minds to you unless an element of trust exists. Trust is not something that comes easy, and usually takes time to achieve, so when challenged to speed up that particular process you must not only be genuine, but authentic above all; even at the risk of experiencing polarized points of views

Learn from others: The next time you’re sitting in the audience being presented to, see how many of these habits the presenter has and then get someone to do the same for you when you next present

1. Acknowledge and re-frame stage fright or nerves
2. Focus on the audience
3. Don’t try to be perfect
4. Stick to the point
5. Practice
6. Tell stories
7. Use colorful, creative and compelling images
8. Involve your audience
9. Use props
10. Stay in the present

It’s quite rare to hear a presentation designed to persuade an audience to maintain the status quo. Most of them are targeted at getting the listener to see that what we have to offer them is far better than what they are experiencing now. Remember, people hear words but think in pictures, so using visual aids help our brains to makes decisions based on what we are comparing things to, and that’s where the great presenters know how to use props for a powerful effect. That means great speakers make it absolutely clear how their proposal is better than all of the other options. They magnify the differences and emphasize their theme to make things easy for their audience
Jorge is an accomplished and experienced Executive Adviser, Author, Business Coach, Leadership Development Coach, Sales Trainer, and Radio Host of the Business minute. Certified to conduct individual and organizational assessments to identify and provide gap analyses and solutions for non-profits and for profit organizations. Jorge’s passion and purpose is to serve others and develop human capital through leadership development and quality of life improvement. Jorge is Co-Author of The Change 7 Insights into Self Development, available in Amazon

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