It is difficult to lead effectively without communicating with efficacy. Particularly if we believe that 55% of our communications comes from our body language, 38% contained in our tone of voice or how we say what we say and the other 7% comes from actual words. I have come to realize that communicating with others, at any level is one if of the most if not the most difficult aspect of effective leadership; so then, perhaps some of the outcomes that we experience in our interactions are due to how the intended audience receives and translates our messages; or is it how we deliver it?
The best leaders understand that the he message is not about the messenger; it has nothing to do with messenger; it is however about meeting the needs and the expectations of those you’re communicating with. So then, how do you know which principles to draw from to allow your skills to mature? The answer is found when consistently using the 1st principle:
1. Speak from the heart: People will not open their minds to you unless an element of trust exists. Trust is not something that comes easy, and usually takes time to achieve, so when challenged to speed up that particular process you must not only be genuine, but authentic above all; even at the risk of experiencing polarized points of views.
2. Leadership is Personal: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Developing a relationship requires exposing vulnerabilities, taking an emotional risk creates the personal connection that humanizes all of us and takes us from a position of being liked to be trusted. Emotionalizing the process can be dangerous if done improperly, however, invoking feelings can be a powerful technique to ensure your message is received and understood. This has to be a genuine attempt to connect emotionally and not a ruse to close a deal. An image has to be created in the mind’s eye in order to have a causal effect. Remember that most people hear words, but think in pictures.
3. Keep it Simple: Communicate with clarity. Simple and concise is always better than complicated and confusing. People need to feel as if you were speaking directly to them as an individual. Knowing how to do this will establish credibility and trust.
4. Remember the Leave Behinds: When you truly focus on contributing more than receiving you will have accomplished the goal.
5. Know your Subject: The fake it until you make it days are gone. Most people can spot a fake quickly. Good Leaders address the “what” and “how” aspects of messaging, they also incorporate a call to action that compels the listener to either change or begin a new behavior.
Jorge Gutierrez is an accomplished and experienced Executive Advisor, Business Coach, Leadership Development Coach, Leader of Leaders and Consultant. His team of Certified Leadership and Life Coaches partner with individuals to drive growth. Certified to conduct individual and organizational assessments to identify and provide gap analyses and solutions for non-profits and for-profit organizations.