Have you been struggling to find great candidates for your job openings lately? Although there might be a shortage of people willing to work, your approach to job openings can also influence your success in the hiring process. 

Here are a few possible reasons why you aren’t finding the right talent for your business. 

You’re Looking in the Wrong Places

First, you might be experiencing some difficulty in hiring the right talent for your business if you’re looking in the wrong places. Hiring techniques and job posting tools have changed a lot over the last few years, and if you’re not up-to-date on the latest hiring trends, you might be missing a lot of great potential candidates. 

Make sure you’re checking online job posting sites and business-related social networking sites such as Linkedin. These sites can often help you to see who is interested in a new job before you even post a job opening. You can also hire a recruiter to do this for you and use them to message potential candidates. Most importantly, make sure you’re using hiring tools that are popular and well-known in your industry. 

You Don’t Know How to Interview

Another reason why you’re not finding the right talent for your business could be that you don’t know how to interview properly. In a job interview, you’re learning a lot about your potential candidates, but they’re also learning about you and your company. 

You should give them plenty of opportunities to ask you questions to learn more about their potential role at your company. You should also ask lots of open-ended questions that will help you to know your candidates more thoroughly. However, there are some questions that you legally can’t ask. For example, you legally can’t ask about an individual’s gender, disabilities, birthplace, relationship status, family orientation, race, religion, and more. 

You’re Not Exhausting all Your Options

When you’ve been reading through resumes and interviewing for quite some time and are trying to figure out who to hire, make sure you’re exhausting all your options to learn more about your candidates. For example, you should be checking your candidate’s social media accounts to learn more about them. Even if they have a private account, their profile can teach you more about their behavior, personality, accomplishments, and more. Recent studies have shown that around 70% of employers check social media before hiring a candidate, which can influence their hiring decisions greatly. You can also use resources like background checks, personality tests, professional portfolios, and listed references to learn more about a candidate. 


So, if you’re trying to have more success in your hiring efforts, remember these common mistakes. You might be having issues because you’re looking in the wrong place, you don’t know how to interview, or you’re not exhausting all your options. Resolving these problems can help you to have a more effective hiring process, bringing the best talent to your business.


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