Entrepreneurs inherently have one thing in common – they are not afraid of taking risks. These risks are often characterized by the passion they possess in succeeding at the craft they love. They’re often willing to take financial risks in the hope of profiting by going into business for themselves.
A survey conducted with small business owners demonstrated 7 priorities they considered as their biggest challenges, within those priorities, financing their efforts was heavily occupying space in their minds.
According to an ancient legend, a group of wise men were disturbed when they saw how human kind abused its wisdom. They decided to hide the secret of success and happiness where no one would ever find it. But where? The chief of the wise men called the council to decide.
One wise man said, “We will bury the secret of happiness and success in the dark depths of the earth.”
The chief wise man responded, “No, that will never do, for humans will dig deep down into the earth and find it.”
A second wise man proposed, “We will sink the secret of happiness and success into the deepest ocean.”
But again, the chief wise man replied, “No, not there, for people will surely dive into the depths and find it.”
Another wise man suggested, “We will hide it on top of the highest mountain.”
Again, the chief wise man rejected the idea. “No, for humans will eventually climb even the highest mountain and find it and again take it up for themselves.”
Then, the chief wise man said, “Here is what we will do. We will hide the secret of success and happiness deep inside every individual, for they will never think to look for it there.”
To this day, according to the legend, people have been running back and forth the earth digging, diving, and climbing in search of something that they already possess within themselves. You, too, already possess all the resources you need you need to be superbly successful. Simply need to develop them by becoming more of who you really are.
Here are 5 tips for business success:
1. Have a Plan. Not just any business plan, but a compelling plan that builds on your dreams by creating and working on your vision of the future
2. Have a Financial Plan. Not just a budget, but well-resourced budgeting strategy that allows you to build your business with this in mind:
a. Sales volume
b. Costs
c. Expenses
d. Capital Requirements
e. Financial Statements
f. Cash Flow Forecast
3. Have a Marketing Plan. This needs to include a networking strategy that is based on relationship building – Not Sales
4. Develop a Sales Approach. Remember that no one likes to be sold to, people prefer to buy, and the first thing they decide is whether they like you or not
5. Assess Before You Hire. Invest in using the right inventory tools to have a better understanding of the personality and motivators of the person you’re about to trust with your business, particularly if you’re considering to hire a sales professional that will work on a commission schedule. Imagine if you find out after a few months and hundreds of dollars of your investment that this person is not a good fit because they’re not motivated by economics and prefer to do something else
Follow Jorge and learn more about his work: Jorge Gutierrez is a Leadership & Management Business Coach with the BMOC GROUP; a business management and Operations Consultancy and Coaching Company. He partners with individuals and organizations to drive growth. Jorge is a former Command Sergeant Major (Retired) from the US ARMY and a long-life practitioner of Leadership. He is Certified in the Administration and interpretation of the Attribute Index, DISC Index, and Values Index by Resource Associates Corporation.