Case 1: Aftermarket Auto Retailer Challenges
High personnel turnover, unable to pay vendors, possibility of closing locations.
Action: Leadership development process for owner and a Strategic Planning Process, which redefined the business and positioned the company for profitable growth.
Result: All locations remained in business and were profitable in several months. This client was able to re-negotiate term-loans due to the detailed business plan.
Case 2: Construction Management Challenges
Stagnant company growth—unable to grow beyond 100 employees
Action: Implemented Strategic Planning Process, leadership development process for executives, Management development process for managers, and Team Leadership development process for Supervisors.
Result: Doubled staff in two years, turnover has been reduced, and annual revenue targets continue to be surpassed.
Case 3: Custom Printing Company Challenges
The president wanted the staff to focus more on the customer, had production challenges, and jobs weren’t being completed on time.
Action: Customer Service development process for staff, Executive Leadership development process for the president, and Management development process for the production manager.
Result: Sales, productivity, liquidity, and profitability exceeded goals that were set for the year.
Case 4: Food Processing Equipment Manufacturing Challenges
Leadership of organization was young and needed grooming, owner wanted sons to move into key leadership roles, and company was stuck at $10 million in sales for seven years.
Action: Leadership development process for key leaders.
Result: Grew to $16 million in sales.
Case 5: Healthcare Organization Challenges
Organization was seeking leadership development for their senior team to help with their poor communication.
Action: Used D.I.AL.O.G. (organizational evaluation instrument) to bring additional alignment to organization, Executive Leadership development process for senior team, and administered Attribute Index personal assessment tool to each participant to help with team building and collaboration.
Result: Communication improved, discovered who their high performers were and who was struggling, and shifted job responsibilities based on those facts.
Case 6: Stone Fabrication Organization Challenges
The company had an inexperienced management team, growth was stagnant, and the company was in the red financially.
Action: Executive Leadership, Customer Service, and Sales development processes for staff.
Result: The company has grown 400%, going from a $1M company to a $5M company.
Case 7: Service Company Challenges
Three-year-old service company was under constant price pressure.
Action: Implemented Strategic Planning Process which redefined their business and positioned the company for profitable growth. Instituted Customer Value Measurement process, which defined strengths and identified areas of limitations so that they could be immediately addressed. After three years with double-digit growth, used D.I.AL.O.G. organizational evaluation instrument to bring additional alignment to internal systems.
Result: Company recognized by national financial reporting network as “Most successful, non-internet IPO in 1998,” a 96% client retention rate, and lowest employee turnover within its industry.
Case 8: Manufacturing Company Challenges
International high technology equipment manufacturer was too dependent upon semi-conductor industry.
Action:Integrated business plans developed by marketing and sales management.
Result: Plan implemented by industry teams resulted in reduced dependence and growth in new segments.
Case 9: Non-Profit Organization Challenges
Pressure from internal and external financial obligations due to the downturn in the economy, increased competition, and they were suffering from lack in donations.
Action: Donor Loyalty Development process and administered Attribute Index personal assessment tool to each participant so they could get a better understanding of themselves and the strengths to be improved upon throughout the development process.
Result: Organization began working together more strategically, key accounts were contacted and relationships were strengthened.
Case 10: Insurance Company and Broker Challenges
Company was in need of a Strategic Plan.
Action: Implemented Strategic Planning process, Executive Leadership development process, Management development process, and Leadership development process for staff members
Result: Completed 95% of strategic plan initiatives, and the team is now functioning at a high level of alignment.